Superintendent’s Update
Dear Parents and Caregivers:
In your first week of school, I hope that your children have enjoyed school start up and reconnecting with friends and making new ones.
I will continue to send updates every Friday with stories based on my visits to schools and district events, and important information about the district. I will connect these stories and events to the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan.
Throughout September, I will highlight the core value of relationships and connections, the Grandfather Teaching, humility, and District Priorities (Intellectual Development, Human and Social Development, Cultural and Identity Development, Career Development, and Systems Development).
Parkcrest Elementary School Opening – Sept. 4, 2024
Thank you to the students, parents, staff, and community partners who celebrated the opening of Parkcrest Elementary School on September 4, 2024.
Many will recall the tragic day (September 5, 2019) when Parkcrest Elementary was destroyed in a fire. Principal Catherine Gorman said, “It is the people, not the place, that makes a community.” Many staff, parents, students, and community partners pulled together at that time to re-establish the school community in George Hilliard Elementary, so there is a strong sense of community in Parkcrest. This sense of togetherness, hope, and optimism permeated the opening celebration in what is a beautiful, extra large gymnasium with brand new floors, high ceilings, and warm Earth tones.
Board Chair Heather Grieve thanked the City of Kamloops for contributing to the construction of the new school, specifically to the gym that will be well used and appreciated by the community and partner associations. Students shared what they most looked forward to this year, and many commented on looking forward to seeing their friends, playing on the new playground, and using the large gym. Watch this video to learn more.
Dignitaries (Knowledge Keeper Jackie Jules, Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson, Deputy Mayor Stephen Karpuk, Councillors Sarai and Bepple; Board Chair Heather Grieve, Trustees Hickson, Kang, and Karpuk; Corporal Dana Napier, Constable Sofie Winkels) as well District staff attended and shared in the tour led by Director Art McDonald, Principal Catherine Gorman, and Communications Director Chelsea Isenor.
The students gave a signed soccer ball to Director McDonald for all of his work to help them when they had relocated to George Hilliard Elementary and to support the design and construction of their new school. Read more.
Kamloops Pride Parade – Aug. 31, 2024
On August 31, 2024, community members, including Kamloops-Thompson School District staff, parents, and staff, gathered and walked together in the Kamloops Pride Parade. Thank you to District Principal Cory Carmichael who organized our group by preparing us with the banner just outside of Stuart Wood prior to the parade.
We walked alongside partners (RCMP, Kamloops Firefighters, to name a few). Thank you to those staff, students, and parents who came together to walk the parade route, wave Pride flags and fans, and stand together to show the importance of accepting every person for who they are and advocating for safe, caring, inclusive spaces everywhere. Read more.
World Suicide Prevention Day Walk – Sept. 7, 2024
World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) began on September 10, 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention with the endorsement of the World Health Organization (WHO). Since that time, September 10th has been designated as a way of focusing attention on the problems of suicide worldwide. There is a walk on September 7, 2024 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at MacArthur Island Park in support of Suicide Prevention Day—Changing the narrative. See more.
Board Notes- August 26, 2024
For those who would like to keep track of major events discussed at Board meetings, I will reference Board Notes (summaries of board meetings), which are available on the district website under “Our District/Board” under “Board Communications”. See board notes for the Regular Public Board meeting on August 26, 2024.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy time with family and friends in the nice weather.
Rhonda Nixon, PhD
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