School Policies
Intake Appointments
Students will only be given TWO intake appointments per school year (Sept-June). After two missed appointments, the student's name will be placed on a wait list.
Attendance and Re-registration
If a student has not attended the program OR has not handed in work during any 8-week period, their file will be closed. The student may re-register once during the school year. We encourage students to attend classroom sessions in order to stay engaged in the program.
We have course text books for students to use in class. If a student would like to take one home, we require a $50 cash deposit, which will be returned when the textbook is returned in the same condition as when it was borrowed.
Academic Honesty
We expect that students will submit only original work. If a student has plagiarized an assignment, they will receive zero. If plagiarism occurs a second time, we have the option of temporarily stopping the student's progress in the course.
Marked Work
Once we have marked and recorded student's work, it is put into pickup bins. Work that does not have a name on it will not be marked. We will NOT provide test marks over the phone or by email.
Test Writing
All tests must be written in the classroom at Street School. Tests must be completed in one sitting. All quizzes and exams must be attempted before a final course mark is given.
Computer Use
There are computers available for student use for typing assignments or doing research. Internet use is limited to course work only.
Phone Use
Cell phones must be turned to vibrate or silent when in the classroom. Calls are required to be taken outside classroom. There is no phone available for student use.
Letters for Social Service Agencies
If students require a letter proving that they are enrolled at Street School, it will take one week to be prepared. To receive a letter, the student must be attending school at least two times per week, for a minimum of four hours each week.
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